日期: 2017/04/23 来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 浏览量:
董合忠,男,汉族,博士,1965年9月28日生,山东五莲县人。1981年9月~1991年1月先后在莱阳农学院、北京农业大学和北京大学学习,1993年3月获得北京农业大学博士学位。2010年10月~2011年10月以色列Bar-ILan大学植物学博士后,2007年8~11月美国得州理工大学植物与土壤学系高级研究学者。现为山东省农业科学院棉花研究中心主任,二级研究员,泰山学者攀登计划专家,山东大学博士研究生导师;兼任国际棉花研究会(ICRA)常委,Field Crops Research 和《棉花学报》编委,农业部棉花专家指导组成员,国家现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家,农业部黄淮海棉花遗传改良与栽培生理重点实验室主任。
先后获省部级以上成果奖励16项,其中国家科技进步二等奖4项,山东省科技进步一等奖2项。以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文200余篇,其中在J Exp Bot、Field Crops Res等SCI杂志发表论文40篇,被SCI他引600多次。获得发明专利8项。出版著作10部。培养硕士研究生5名、博士研究生1名。获政府特殊津贴(2001)、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2004)、山东省有突出贡献中青年专家(2007)、泰山学者特聘专家(2012)、全国先进工作者(2015)和农业部杰出人才(2015)等荣誉。
1. 董合忠,李维江,张晓洁等. 棉花种子学.科学出版社,2004
2. 董合忠.盐碱地棉花栽培学.科学出版社,2010
3. 董合忠, 杨国正, 田立文 等. 棉花轻简化栽培. 科学出版社, 2016
1. Dong HZ and Cohen Y. Extracts of killedPenicillium chrysogenuminduce resistance against Fusarium wilt of melon. Phytoparasitica. 2001, 29(5): 421-430
2. Dong HZ and Cohen Y. Induced resistance in cotton seedlings against Fusarium wilt by dried biomass ofPenicillium chrysogenumand its water extract. Phytoparasitica. 2002, 30(1): 77-87
3. Dong HZ and Cohen Y. Dry mycelium ofPenicillium chrysogenuminduces resistance against verticillium wilt and enhances growth of cotton plants. Phytoparasitica. 2002, 30(2): 147-157
4. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Zhang DM and Tang W. Differential expression of induced resistance by an aqueous extract of killedPenicillium chrysogenumagainst Verticillium wilt of cotton. Crop Protection. 2003, 22 (1): 129~134
5. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Tang W, and Dongmei Zhang. Development of hybridBtcotton in China-A successful integration of transgenic technology and conventional techniques. Current Science, 2004, 86(6): 778-782.
6. Dong H.Z., Li W.J., Tang W., Zhang D.M. 2005. Increased yield and revenue with a seedling transplanting system for hybrid seed production in Bt cotton. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 2005, 191:116-124.
7. Dong HZ, Zhang DM, Tang W, Li WJ, Li ZH. Effects of planting system, plant density and flower removal on yield and quality of hybrid seed in cotton. Field Crops Res. 2005,93(1):74-84.
8. Dong HZ, Zhang XK, Cohen Y., Zhou Y., Li WJ, Li ZH. Dry mycelium ofPenicillium chrysogenumprotects cotton plants against wilt diseases and increases yield under field conditions.Crop Protection2006, 25 (4): 324-330
9. Dong HZ, Li WJ., Tang W., Zhang DM, Li ZH. Effects of genotypes and plant density on yield, yield components and photosynthesis in Bt transgenic cotton. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2006, 192: 132-139.
10. Dong HZ, Li WJ., Tang W., Zhang DM, Li ZH. Yield, quality and leaf senescence of cotton grown at varying planting dates and plant densities in the Yellow River Valley of China.Field Crops Research. 2006, 98: 106-115.
11. Chen SY, Dong HZ*, Fan YQ, Li WJ, Cohen Y. Dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum induces expression of pathogenesis-related protein genes and resistance against wilt diseases in Bt transgenic cotton. Biological Control, 2006, 39: 460–464.
12. Dong HZ, Li WJ. Variability of endotoxin expression in Bt transgenic cotton. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2007, 193, 21-29.
13. Dong H. Z., Li W. J., Tang W., Li Z. H., Zhang D. M. Heterosis in yield, endotoxin expression and some physiological parameters in Bt transgenic cotton. Plant Breeding, 2007, 126, 169-175.
14. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Tang W, Li ZH, Zhang DM. Enhanced plant growth, development and fiber yield of Bt transgenic cotton by an integration of plastic mulching and seedling transplanting. Industrial Crops and Products 2007, 26: 298-306.
15. Dong HZ, Niu YH, Li WJ, Zhang DM. Effects of cotton rootstock on endogenous cytokinins and abscisic acid in xylem sap and leaves in relation to leaf senescence. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008, 59: 1295-1304.
16. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM. Furrow seeding with plastic mulching increases stand establishment and lint yield of cotton in a saline field. Agron. J., 2008, 100 (6): 1640–1646.
17. Luo Z, Dong HZ*, Li WJ, Zhao M, Zhu YQ. Individual and combined effects of salinity and waterlogging on Cry1Ac expression and insecticidal efficacy of Bt cotton. Crop Protection, 2008, 27: 1485-1490.
18. Zhang HJ, Dong HZ*, Li WJ, Sun Y, Chen SY, Kong XQ. Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance inAhCMOtransgenic cotton lines. Mol Breeding, 2009, 23:289–298
19. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM. Early plastic mulching increases stand establishment and lint yield of cotton in saline fields. Field Crops Research, 2009, 111:269-275.
20. Dong HZ, Niu YH, Kong XQ, Luo Z, Lu HQ. Effects of early-fruit removal on endogenous cytokinins and abscisic acid in relation to leaf senescence in cotton. Plant Growth Regulation, 2009, 59(2): 93-101.
21. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Xin CS, Tang W, Zhang DM. Late-planting of short-season cotton in saline fields of the Yellow River Delta. Crop Science 2010, 50: 292–300.
22. Dong HZ, Kong XQ, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM. Effects of plant density and nitrogen and potassium fertilization on cotton yield and uptake of major nutrients in two fields with varying fertility. Field Crops Research 2010, 119: 106–113.
23. Dong HZ, Kong XQ, Luo Z, Li WJ, Xin CS. Unequal salt distribution in the root zone increases growth and yield of cotton. Europ. J. Agronomy 2010, 33: 285–292.
24. Dai JL, Dong HZ.* Stem girdling influences concentrations of endogenous cytokinins and abscisic acid in relation to leaf senescence in cotton. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2011, 33:1697-1705
25. Dong HZ, Li WJ, Eneji AE, Zhang DM. Nitrogen rate and plant density effects on yield and late-season leaf senescence of cotton raised on a saline field. Field Crops Research 2012, 126, 137–144.
26. Zhang HJ, Dong HZ*, Li WJ, Zhang D M. 2012. Effects of soil salinity and plant density on yield and leaf senescence of field-grown cotton. J Agron Crop Sci. 198: 27-37.
27. Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ,* Eneji AE, Li WJ. 2012. Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on water use, Na+ recirculation, and Na+ and H+ flux in cotton. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63 (5): 2089-2103.
28. Zhang DM, Li WJ,Xin CS, Tang W, Eneji AE, Dong HZ*. Lint yield and nitrogen use efficiency of field-grown cotton vary with soil salinity and nitrogen application rate. Field Crops Research 2012, 138: 63–70
29. Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ*, Eneji AE, Li WJ, Lu HQ. Gene expression profiles deciphering leaf senescence variation between early- and late-senescence cotton lines. PLoS ONE 2013, 208(7): e69847.
30. Dai JL, Dong HZ*. Intensive cotton farming technologies in China: Achievements, challenges and countermeasures. Field Crops Research 2014, 155:99–110.
31. Ma H, Zhao M, Wang HY, Wang Q, Dong HZ*. Comparative incidence of cotton spider mites on transgenic Bt versus conventional cotton in relation to contents of secondary metabolites. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2014, 8:1–7
32. Dai JL, Luo Z, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM, Lu HQ, Li ZH, Xin CS, Kong XQ, Eneji AE, Dong HZ*. A simplified pruning method for profitable cotton production in the Yellow River valley of China. Field Crops Research, 2014, 164: 22–29.
33. Zhang YJ, Song XZ, Yang GZ, Li ZH, Lu HQ, Kong XQ, Eneji AE*, Dong HZ*Physiological and molecular adjustment of cotton to waterlogging at peak-flowering in relation to growth and yield. Field Crops Research 2015, 179:164–172.
34. Wang Q, Eneji AE, Kong XQ, Wang KY, Dong HZ*. Salt stress effects on secondary metabolites of cotton in relation to gene expression responsible for Aphid development. PLoS ONE 2015, 10 (6): e0129541.
35. Dai JL, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM, Li ZH, Lu HQ, Eneji AE∗, Dong HZ∗.Manipulation of dry matter accumulation and partitioning with plant density in relation to yield stability of cotton under intensive management. Field Crops Research 2015, 180: 207–215.
36. Kong XQ, Luo Z, Dong HZ*, Eneji AE, Li WJ. H2O2 and ABA signaling are responsible for the increased Na+ efflux and water uptake in Gossypium hirsutum L. roots in the non-saline side under non-uniform root zone salinity. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2016, 67 (8): 2247-2261
37. Chen YZ, Dong HZ*. Mechanisms and regulation of senescence and maturity performance in cotton. Field Crops Research 2016, 189:1–9.
38. Kong XQ, Wang T, Li WJ, Tang W, Zhang DM, Dong HZ*. Exogenous nitric oxide delays salt-induced leaf senescence in cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Acta Physiol Plant, 2016, 38:61-69.
39. Zhang YJ, Chen YZ, Lu HQ, Kong XQ, Dai JL, Li ZH, Dong HZ*. Growth, lint yield and changes in physiological attributes of cotton under temporal waterlogging. Field Crops Res. 2016,194, 83–93.
1. 2013年国家科技进步二等奖“滨海盐碱地棉花丰产栽培技术体系的创建与应用”(第1位).
2、2007年国家科技进步二等奖“转Bt Cry1A 基因系列抗虫棉品种和抗虫棉生产技术体系”(第2位)。
6、2012年河北省科学技术进步一等奖“转基因抗虫棉早衰的生理生态机制及调控技术” (第2位)