2017 TAISHAN International Forum on Plant Stress Biology

日期: 2017/04/07 来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 浏览量:

Jinan, China 

June 02-4, 2017 


Wei-HuaWu, China Agriculture University  

Jian-KangZhu,Shanghai Center for plant stress biology 


Changle Ma, Shandong Normal University 

TAISHAN Forum is an annualacademic event sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Government and ShandongProvincial Department of Education. We would be honored to welcome you tothe 2017 TAISHAN International Forum on Plant Stress Biology to be heldduringJune 02-04, 2017in Jinan,China.

The conference will includefour oral sessions covering the latest findings in plant stress biology. Majortopics include salt, drought, nutrient and temperature stress in plants, andthe application of gene editing technologies in plant stress research and cropimprovement. 

Keynote Speakers:

KazuoShinozaki, RIKEN, Japan 

MarkTester, King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia 

SergeyShabala, University of Tasmania, Australia 

Invited Speakers:

Wei-HuaWu, China Agriculture University 

Jian-KangZhu, Shanghai Center for plant stress biology, CAS 

Hong-XuanLin, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS 

RayBressan, Purdue University, USA 

DanielBertero, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Shou-YinChen, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS 

ChongKang, Institute of Botany, CAS 

ChunmingLiu, Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS 

GuangminXia, Shandong University 

QieXie, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS 

ZhizhongGong, China Agriculture University 

YanGuo, China Agriculture University 

ShuhuaYang, China Agriculture University 

JimingGong, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS 

RongfengHuang, Biotechnology Research Institute, CAAS 

Bao-ShanWang, Shandong Normal University 

LangZhaobo, Shanghai Center for plant stress biology, CAS 

Chanhong Kim, Shanghai Center for plant stress biology, CAS


Academic,1000 CNY; Student, 600 CNY 


ChangleMa, changlema@yahoo.com 

TongSu, sut0229@126.com